Available September 17, 2024! Preorder your copy today!!

100 Devotions to Put Jesus First

Gretchen Saffles knows what it’s like to struggle to put Jesus first daily. During a season of spiritual discouragement, she learned that pursuing God is ultimately not a self-help journey, but rather it’s a Spirit-led surrender.

This discovery led her to a simple phrase that helped her reframe how she desired to spend her time, start her days, and shape her mindset: Word before World. This three-word statement has become her morning manifesto, her afternoon anthem, and her evening comfort. When she practiced looking first to Jesus, she realized that while God’s Word never changes, yet it always changes us.

Cultivate a deep love for God in this 100-day devotional journey to experience God’s faithfulness and goodness. Put God’s Word before the distractions of this world, believing that he will meet your every need.

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In Word before World, you’ll discover ways to:

  • Conquer the daily distractions that get in the way of time with God

  • Develop a daily rhythm of seeking Jesus

  • Set aside your phone, lists, and plans in order to seek direction and nourishment in God’s Word instead

  • Transform your worldview, schedule, dreams, and desires to align with God’s purpose for your life.

Don’t forget to grab your preorder bonuses!

When you preorder “Word before World: 100 Devotions to Put Jesus First,” you will receive:

  • The first five devotionals in Word before World to read and enjoy

  • A ten-day audio devotional featuring content from Word before World 

  • A beautiful, high-quality free art print featuring original art from the devotional.

All preorder bonuses will be emailed to you directly before the book release date, September 17, 2024!


The Well-Watered Woman